Activities - School & Education

Standing with kybun adds a healthy dynamic to the school environment

Sitting dominates our lives from a young age but it doesn't have to be that way

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The kybun school

The Tipiti school in the Appenzell region in Trogen, Switzerland, is trying something new

They are implementing an innovative pedagogical approach that allows the pupils to move freely in the classroom. This brings variation into the daily routine at school. It encourages the pupils to be active and prevents bad posture and muscle tension. The elastic and springy kybun mat is especially popular. The pupils enjoy working on the special springy mat, where they can shift their weight around and stay active. The increased amount of movement has made the classroom more quiet and peaceful. You can find out what the teachers and pupils have to say about the kybun mat in the video clip.

A proactive solution

The benefits and effectiveness of kybun

  • Balance training stimulates the motoric development
  • Stimulates brain activity and the ability to learn
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Promotes a better posture
  • Children love the natural trampoline effect

Standing increases concentration

Out and about for longer – all thanks to the kybun shoe

Reto Wambach is a freelance management consultant and lecturer. He used to suffer from back pain. Nowadays, he wears the kybun shoe at work and trains his deep muscles without having to expend any extra effort. The elastic springy surface keeps him moving and ensures that he maintains a good posture.